Belle Isle Police Department Information
As a reminder, the Belle Isle Police Department no longer utilizes a Patrol Phone.
The Belle Isle Police Department contracts with the Orange County Sheriff's Office for call-taking and dispatch services. This ensures all calls are recorded, documented, and the appropriate police and medical services are dispatched.
If you are involved in or are a witness to an emergency, CALL 911.
If you are in need of non-emergency police assistance, call 407.836.4357. You should listen carefully and select the most appropriate option. You will be directed to a trained Orange County Communication Specialist. When speaking with the operator, identify yourself as a Belle Isle resident and tell them what your needs are.
An officer will be dispatched.
We have new Belle Isle Police Department magnets with these numbers on them for your convenience.
Please stop by the police department or City Hall if you would like one for your refrigerator.
Get in the #9PM Routine!
Every night at 9:00 before retiring, check that your doors and windows are locked and click your car remote to be sure your car is secure.
If you have left valuables in the car now is a good time to retrieve them.

Car burglary crime prevention tips…
Roll up your windows, lock your car whenever you leave it unattended, especially overnight even if it is parked in your own driveway
Leave a light on in your driveway… motion activated lights are a big plus!
ALWAYS remove loose, visable valuables from your vehicle. This includes purses, wallets, cellular phones, laptop computers, and briefcases. A auto burglar loves to see items that can be grabbed easily and carried away without much effort. This is a crime of opportunity and you create it. A brick through the window is all it takes to gain access to those loose items.
If you have a garage… use it. Remove your garage door opener and spare house key from your car whenever you leave it unattended in your driveway… once a thief has your opener he can get inside your garage, close the door, and take all of the time in the world he needs to burglarize your home.
Purchase and use a car alarm.
Always report suspicious activity in your neighborhood… you know who’s supposed to be there and who isn’t… when you see something that doesn’t look right, call law enforcement.
Keep a list of serial numbers for your commonly used electronic equipment. Even if you plan on never leaving a cellular phone or laptop computer in your car, you should record all of the following information:
Make of Item: (Motorola, Ericson, Compaq, etc.)
Model Number
Serial Number
Having this information available is necessary in order to enter the items into the computer database. This will aid the police in trying to locate the items if the offender(s) are found with them or if they are pawned. This will also ensure the property is returned to the rightful owner.
These simple steps should be used whenever you park your car, whether you are just “running in for a minute” or parking for the evening.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Office hopes that these tips will raise awareness and help keep you from becoming a victim.
Please remember to keep your
garage doors closed to prevent theft.
Please call 911 for emergencies.
Orange County Sheriff's Office is still dispatching Belle Isle Police Dept. (BIPD)
the non-emergency number is
The BIPD office number 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.